Liquid Herbal Extracts
A liquid herbal extract is a concentrated solution made by extracting the desired constituents out of the fiber of a plant.
The main advantage of using extracts instead of raw herbs is that once the constituents are extracted from the plant matrix they are straight away ready for absorption by human body.

Herbs And Formulations
We are producing liquid herbal extracts, mostly from native Himalayan plants. Majority of theseplants are harvested from ecologically clean areas of the Himalayan region (Pemako and the foothillsof Mount Everest). Some herbs are grown on a private plantations of Dr. Sherab in Nepal and Bhutan.
Our product range includes one-component and multi-component liquid herbal extracts. Multi-component extracts are formulations that consist of two and more plant ingredients.These unique formulations have been either composed by Dr. Sherab solely, either have been taken from ancient medical texts. Multi-component extracts are considered to be more precious as they were designedin such a way that they not only deal with the disorder, but also balance systems throughout healingprocess.
Dr. Sherab is examining all products and supervising clinical trials.Dr. Sherab and the team are thoroughly studying medicinal plants and compiling formulations to develop natural and affordable health products. We are closely working with biotechnology specialists, health care institutions and ordinary people who are exploring, testing and reviewing plants effects on human body.

Technology And Production
Our liquid herbal extracts are made by a know-how technology – processed using organic grain alcohol at a low temperature with ultrasound assistance, such combination allows to get the maximum amount of natural nutrients and phytochemicals.
Organic grain alcohol is not only an ultimate solvent, but also an unbeatable reservative, ensuring long shelf life.
All of the Pure Vision Sorig Ltd. products are being manufactured in the European Union in accordance with internationally recognized guidelines to food safety management systems, the ISO 22000 standard, API, COSMOS and Organic Food Production manufacturing standards.
L.Ē.V. Extract Factory Ltd., is our main contractor and is providing turn-key solution for the whole production cycle of plant-based biologically active ingredients for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry.
“Our in-depth research is the foundation of our development.”