About Tibetan Medicine Ku Nye rLung(wind) Tripa Beken Medicinal Hot Water
What is Ku-Nye?
In Tibetan, the word Ku means to apply oil and Nye means to apply pressure with a variety of movements. In a Ku Nye treatment, the practitioner focuses on specific points on the body which correspond to different constitutions or natural of illnesses. Traditional healing massage has been practiced for thousands of years in Tibet and the Himalayan region of Asia as an integral part of Tibetan Medicine.
Ku Nye is beneficial as a stand-alone treatment as well as a preventative measure against illnesses and a supportive treatment in conjunction with other modalities. It is an excellent way to relax and promote general health and well-being. In your Ku Nye treatment, you may receive consultation on diet, herbs, and health based on the four seasons. Since ancient times in Tibet, it has been believed that Ku Nye aids in longevity by clearing and sharpening the sensory organs while supporting the function of the internal organs.
What is Ku Nye good for?
Neurological problems including numbness, sciatica, and paralysis, Psychological and emotional imbalances including agitation, anxiety, depression, moodiness, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, and insomnia. Women’s health issues including irregular menstruation and PMS, dysmenorrheal prenatal women and ease pain during labor. Stress related problems including migraine headaches and tension headaches, Chronic pain such as back pain including upper, middle, and lower back, Constipation, exercises & stretches weak tight muscles, Arthritis – makes flexibility of joints and ligaments, Neck and shoulder rigidity, Whiplash, Poor circulation, Stimulates lymph flow, Good for rough and dry skin, Facet Syndromes etc. It is also very good for athletes.
Who can learn Ku Nye?
Anyone who is interested to learn Ku Nye. Please call us to get more details.
1) Full Course
Course Description
Course Duration
Ku Nye- Full body, head to toe, back and front part of body.
1 month, 2 hrs/day
Rs 30,000
2 – 4
1 month, 2 hrs/day
Rs 30,000
4 and above
1 month, 2 hrs/day
Rs 30,000
In this course you will be learning the knowledge traditional Ku Nye massage. You will be taught to Ku Nye from Head to Toe, Back and front part of the body and with all the significant pressure points in deep details.
Course hours: 60hrs
Course shifts: Morning: 10:00am-12:00pm Afternoon: 2:00 pm- 4:00pm Evening: 5:00pm-7:00pm
2) Intensive Course
Course Description
Course Duration
Ku Nye- Full body, head to toe, back and front part of body.
10 full Days
Rs 30,000
10 full Days
Rs 30,000
4 and above
13 full days
Rs 30,000
In this intensive course you will be learning all the knowledge in Ku Nye traditional massage in short time but classes run for whole day. You will be taught to massage from Head to Toe, Back and Front part of the body and with all the significant pressure points in deep details. This course suits those who are busy but eager to learn Ku Nye in short time in depth.
Course hours: 60hrs
Course schedule: Full day
10:00am – 12:00pm
Lunch break: 12:00pm – 2:00 pm
2:00 pm – 5:00pm